Earlier this month, Bella Hadid was spotted out for a walk in Los Angeles wearing a head-to-toe denim look. She wore a vintage Miss Sixty denim racer jacket that appears to be one of her latest Depop finds from @flaneur_vintage‘s store. She wore it over a white Tank Air tank top and topped off the look with Bonnie Clyde sunglasses, a Givenchy bag and vintage knee-high boots that she also scored from Depop (cc: @juicylovesyou). Keep reading for buying information.
Jacket: Miss Sixty Denim Racer Jacket (not available)
Top: Tank Air Studio Tank ($75)
Shoes: Vintage Black Leather Knee High Boots (not available)
Bag: Givenchy Medium Voyou Bag ($2,350)
Sunglasses: Bonnie Clyde Lucky Star Sunglasses ($198)
Ring: Bunkhouse Designs Natural Blue Bezel Ring
Ring: Chrome Hearts Cross Ring
Photo courtesy of @diggzy